Academy for the Soul Recommends

Certified Intuitive Strategist Christine Flowers

About Christine


Christine Flowers, Certified Intuitive Strategist, Academy for the Soul Graduate and Academy Affiliate, has an innate ability to identify energetic patterns that no longer serve you and helps to release and replace these old patterns with new paradigms that align with your Highest Soul Truth and Flow. She uses the help of your Angel Guides and crystal energy to intuit where you most need healing. She's harnessed her power of intuition, helping heal and transmute negative energy for many, with profound results, especially in supporting the transformation from self-doubt and uncertainty into self-trust and empowerment.

Christine is also a professional musician who has recently turned to the gift of channeling the Divine through her music. She's been engaged with music and sound since the age of 5, and has used music as her main conduit for expressing her inner emotional thoughts and feelings to the outside world. As she developed her intuitive gifts, her music began evoking strong emotional release in her listeners.


Work with Christine


Healing with your Angelic Guides Session

During this session, Christine will look inward at aspects and energetic patterns that no longer serve you and that keep you from accessing your Divine Wisdom and Guidance. With the help of your Angels Guides and crystalline energies, she'll guide you to release those old patterns and trapped energies, bringing you back to your natural state of coherence, balance and harmony. With Christine's direction you'll infuse and ground these new healing energies into all levels of your being, creating tools you can use in the future... allowing you to live in your Highest Harmony.

In this session you'll:

~ Check on the aspect(s) identified that are negatively impacting you and identify how these have created negative patterning in your current life.

~ Establish a connection with your Angel Guides and begin receiving their wisdom and guidance.

~ Identify, uncover and clear all negative aspects keeping you from your inherent right of peaceful harmony and balance.

~ Infuse and ground you on all levels in the healing energies and patterns recommended by your Angel Guides.

~ Receive communication from your Guides that they want you to know NOW!

~ Create your personalized, beautiful, crystalline container that holds you in your highest vibrational state. Grounding you in this infused, energetic container, you will have the power and wisdom to move forward with grace and fluidity. Using this container, you have access to your Divine Wisdom and can begin making the correct choices, establishing the correct boundaries, and living in your Highest Harmony.

Special: Also included is a 15-minute discovery call prior to your session to gain clarity with what you want to release, transmute, and heal to restore your harmony.


Heal Your Past and Live Powerfully in Your Present Session

When you have internal aspects of yourself that are trapped or stuck in self-doubt, confusion or other debilitating patterns, it diminishes your capacity to stand strong in and make decisions from your point of power.

Christine will lead you through a powerful process to identify and shift negative aspects and habits stopping you from living consciously in your truth and your flow. As part of this process, you'll create new thoughts, patterns and beliefs allowing you to make better choices and decisions, aligned with your highest Truth, so you can live powerfully in your present.



With Light for your path