Academy for the Soul Recommends

Certified Intuitive Strategist Ellen Equable

About Ellen


Ellen is an Intuitive Channel and Certified Intuitive Strategist through Academy for the Soul who is passionate about creating safe, sacred spaces for individuals and groups. Working with her Spirit Team of Mystical & Majestic Ancient Horses, Ellen channels Truth to those seeking clarity, honesty and a fresh direction, facilitating deep connection to the Divine beauty of your heart, body and Self.

Ellen’s unique journey began 20 years ago when she became a Reiki Master, working with both humans and animals. She discovered her gift for communicating - literally talking - to physical bodies which revealed energetic blocks, entities or past-life trauma that could then be cleared in a safe and gentle manner. She is especially fond of speaking to horses, dogs and cats.

With confidence, wisdom and compassion, Ellen can help you discover whatever blocks your path so your hidden gifts are brought to the surface. Her True Purpose is to shine Divine Light into areas that have been damaged or distorted to reconnect you to your heart space once again.

It’s Ellen’s greatest wish that you know the precious gift that you are in the world and be empowered to freely flow and express your Sacred Light.


Work with Ellen


Intuitive Strategy and Animal-Heart Alignment Session

1 hour session with Ellen Equable. Process will include finding the persona that is needing to be seen and understood so healing can take place. Ellen will support you by identifying the aspect then move you through a powerful clearing, release and integration process.

This incorporates deep release in all areas of your life so the inhibiting problem can allow clarity, and self love so the heart can open in all areas of your life and no longer feed the problematic patterns. This deep integration will allow movement and flow in all areas of your life.


Mystical & Majestic Ancient Horses Intuitive Strategist Session

Ellen Equable received her Intuitive Strategist Certification from the Academy For the Soul and is now using this training combined with her Animal-Human Heart Alignment Specialist ability to align your heart with the heart of an animal to create a shift that not only heals, but increases the capacity of your heart to receive and flow love.

This allows you to come into greater peace, harmony and balance, regardless of the chaos that might be around you.

In this way you can feel more ease, more alignment with Spirit and what it’s calling forth through you ... no more sabotage! And you organically begin to operate with this heightened flow in your physical reality, you start to reawaken to the magic that can bring your dreams and desires to creation!



With Light for your path