Academy for the Soul Recommends

Certified Intuitive Strategist Emily Rose

About Emily


Emily Rose hones in on the core energetic root of an issue to great detail and can also identify attached structures, patterns, timelines, karmas and more giving you a clear image of what's occurring in your energy fields. She holds space to help clear and resolve incoherent dynamics that distort your Sacred Soul foundation, allowing you to embody a fresh, solid, sacred foundation to create from.

Emily is a Certified Intuitive Strategist through the Academy for the Soul and has 10 years experience working with various energetic protocols with certification in advanced Theta Healing. Emily draws from these powerful modalities as well as her own personal journey of body healing to help you shift from your own personal pain and suffering to greater freedom and choice for embodied empowerment.

Emily has overcome large amounts of physical pain since birth due to a combination of issues stemming from deeply held energetic misalignments with the roots in past life and genetic lineages. In addition to releasing physical pain she's transformed a vast array of emotional issues noted as severe anxiety and depression, chronic hyper-tension and a hyper vigilant Stuck in flight or fight reactive nervous system.

Emily is a natural born healer, a multi-sensory intuitive and has a strong affinity as a light weaver. She can facilitate spaces and guidance for deep profound healing on all levels for others.


Work with Emily


De-Fusing Polarity Session

Harmonic Core Infusion for Greater Totality Of Being

Emily is passionate about assisting you to uncover your soul’s gifts. She holds an impenetrably strong container in session with her Light Love Team to allow you to clear, heal, unlock and resolve core ego issues and core Light Body alignment issues.

Emily believes we are all born with spiritual gifts waiting to be unlocked and the timing and unfolding of this is Divine and perfect. If you feel aligned to work with Emily she would be delighted for you to connect with her.

In this session Emily will guide you as you relax into a deeply held immersive journey into the womb of creation. Once stable and grounded in the loving container for your session Emily will further guide and scan for the polarized points within the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Emily and her team will loving guide you to receive the energies to clear these issues in a fast, strong and powerful way you will release, gain wisdom and recall harmony into the flow of your being.

Finally, an infusion of high vibrational harmony channeled for your individual healing of your Whole Body Being on the Golden Grid of Grace with your Love Light Team and Divine Mother and Father. We complete the session and close with grounding and stability as well as any insights from your team regarding integration and next steps.

This work is deep and gets into the core drivers, the core ego splits formed in the first years of life that are very subconsciously held and hard to see for ourselves. Emily's gifts to harmonize and synthesis this energy and her penetrating awareness allows a deep release to take place with ease.


Integrative Soul Technology (IST) Session

Core Ego-Block Removal

In this session with Emily, she'll guide you in illuminating ingrained patterns of dysfunction for resolution and liberation. These patterns of dysfunction and core blocks usually stem from past life experiences, ancestral timelines - this can be on the maternal or paternal side, or even your own childhood experiences.

Emily will help you uncover the dynamics that are locking these dysfunctional patterns and core blocks in place so that you can release them and integrate all of the energy that's previously been utilized to hold them in place back into the wholeness of you.

As a result you'll be infused with a much greater flow of vibrant energy and internal alignment with what your heart is calling forth through you.



With Light for your path