Academy for the Soul Recommends

Multi-Dimensional Energy Reader and
Multi-Channel Intuitive Godelieve

About Godelieve


GGodelieve is a master at keenly identifying and removing blockages and resistance to living your True Self and Divine potential. She has the magical ability to perceive your consciousness, allowing her to discern how aligned you are with your Divine nature.

As a multi-dimensional energy reader and multi-channel intuitive, she acts as a bridge between dimensions and realms to bring wisdom, deep healing and activations for you to awaken and embody your True Self now.

Godelieve transmits a Heart Truth vibration that recalibrates the connection to your True Divine Self, activating your gifts to manifest in the here and now… putting you on an accelerated path to reclaiming your Power and remembering Who you came here to be.

Godelieve will assist you to see the unique magic that you hold and assist you to open more fully to your higher gifts and purpose now!


Work with Godelieve


Session #1

Hidden "Blocks" Discovery & Removal Session

Step into Your Divine Potential!

Clear your biggest blocks or areas of resistance to stepping into the next level in your authentic expression that your Higher Self is moving you toward now.

Do you sometimes feel like there is some kind of block to you moving forward on your path, or taking action towards your Heart's desires? Would you like to have clarity on what’s next for you, or find out why you keep butting up against the same challenges or experiences?

During this session we will begin to actively address your block(s) to powerfully resolve them in real-time. You will discover what the main block getting in the way for you is, and powerfully remove it, gleaming the powerful lessons and insights behind it before lovingly releasing it for good. Finally be released from the bondage of old patterns, wounding or limiting beliefs - and be empowered and inspired to move forward on your Path with more Ease and Grace!

After this session, clients overwhelmingly feel lighter and expanded with a sense of joy and upliftment, feeling empowered and excited to move forward on their unique path.


Session #2

Intuitive Gifts Expansion & Mentoring Session

Explore and Expand Your Intuitive Abilities to Unlock More of Your Unique Potential

Godelieve will assist you to uncover and dissolve resistance and interferences that prevent you from recognizing and developing your unique gifts and abilities.

If you’ve ever had the thought - “I wish I had someone to mentor me in developing my gifts, to give me individual, specialised attention for my unique needs”, or feel like “no one understands me” - then Godelieve is the mentor for you!

Godelieve will observe how you work with the energies and information wanting to come in, and notice where you have blocks or bottlenecks in the flow and translation of those energies.

She will assist you to connect with your Higher Self and tune in to other beings, energies, and consciousnesses. She will offer strategies for you to work with the different sources of information wanting to come through for you, and will share valuable insights allowing you to open your gifts up further and tap into more of your own potential as an intuitive.

In addition to mentoring you to better understand and utilise your gifts, Godelieve may:

  • Remove ‘scar’ tissue that may be preventing you from feeling and sensing more, and address any fears that present around accessing or using your gifts in service now
  • Clear layers of self-doubt, confusion, or frustration and explain how these hinder your abilities
  • Assist you to become more aware and sensitive to the energies flowing in and around you
  • Offer messages from your Higher Self, Guides and other Consciousnesses around you
  • Share insights and validation, assisting you to give yourself permission to step into your Power now.

This session will help you understand more about what’s possible for you, expand your ability to access and utilise your Gifts, and unlock more of your unique Divine potential!


With Light for your path