Friday, March 19th, 2021
at 12:00 p.m. Pacific

Appearing at
12 p.m. PT / 2 p.m. CT / 3 p.m.
ET / 8 p.m. LONDON / 7 a.m. SYDNEY


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Nisha Kumar-Joon

TOPIC: Disturbed Sleep Patterns causing decay and creating stress in your body

Struggling with sleep issues? Maybe 1 of these: Can’t get to sleep at night, fall asleep but wake in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, tossing and turning at night, or sleeping through the night but still wake up tired.

One of the purposes of sleep is for your body to repair cellular damage - so sleep deprivation causes major physical issues in your body that can mimic severe disease and illness.

Did you know that your eyes can tell if you’re not getting enough sleep, and even much more about your health?

Your eyes really are the window to your soul… in fact, the scelera of your eyes can tell if you are suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure or stroke or other potential problems including obesity, depression, impairment in immunity and lower sex drive before your doctor ever can!

Join Nisha today as she shares a few key things in today’s call that you need to know and may be very surprised to discover!

What you will experience during the call:

  • A clear understanding of how your eyes really are the window to your vitality and wellbeing.
  • Learn the 3 tell tales signs in your eyes that reveal the condition of your health
  • Discover how you can save yourself from taking medication to cure ailments
  • Get familiar with the three main charge stations in your body that require correct activation for greater health.
  • Set up the right energetic impulses to flow within your DNA to unlock the full potential of your body.
  • Discover how your vital life force is sustained by a Universal electromagnetic energy that constantly purifies the atmosphere and contents around it.
  • Discover why stone circles are super charged electromagnetic forces that can be found across the earth plane and support your wellbeing.
  • Discover why mastery of these electromagnetic forces in your body are the keys to health and wellbeing.

PLUS, Nisha will be doing Live Intuitive Readings to identify the black spirals and ill health that are playing out in your body. The question to ask her is ‘What's my #1 point of cellular decay?'

Listen via Webcast:

Webcast available 15 minutes before the official start time

To ask your question online, enter your question in the Question Box below.

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