Academy for the Soul Recommends

Heart Illuminator and Academy Master Teacher Heidi Sue Puryer

About Heidi Sue


Heidi Sue is known as being “sparkly and light-hearted.” She has a playful effervescent approach to life. Working in a hospital setting as a Medical Librarian for almost 30 years, she has noticed the effects of highly skilled and compassionate physical healers unknowingly acquiring their patients’ energies, dampening their initial enthusiasm.

Through her personal experience involving the passing on of multiple loved ones, she finally awakened to the loving messages and playfulness of Angels and other Benevolent Light Beings always surrounding all of us. These messages center around the concept of opening the heart by becoming more playful, or becoming playful again.

With her healing gift, Heidi Sue supports people in understanding that they are Loveable just as they are. People who have experienced her presence have often commented they feel more light-hearted. Her presence and healing techniques assists others in increasing the capacity of healing love showing up in their world. Those who are interested in opening their hearts, lightening their heart load, or becoming more playful during their daily life simply have to ask Heidi Sue the one question, 'Please reconnect me to the Power of the One True Heart of Divine Unconditional Love.” With that permission, Heidi Sue will perform her signature 'HeartSpace Explorations' by gently scanning the energies surrounding your heart field.

Using skills acquired as a Certified Intuitive Strategist and an Academy Master Teacher along with her ability to hold space is often the catalyst for increasing the capacity of healing love showing up in clients' everyday life all around the world.


Work with Heidi Sue


Heart Space Explorations Session

Illuminating the Light (of Love) Within Yourself!

The heart holds a tremendous capacity to love and be loved, to receive a massive flow of love and share boundless love. But so often we hold deep pain and suffering in the heart. You may not feel valuable, good enough or have a loud inner critic who's pointing out what's 'wrong' with you.

With these wounds and paradigms in place, your heart is dull instead of sparkling. It's not allowing you to fully accept, honor and appreciate the beauty and magnificence which resides within you. With her capacity to recognize this beauty and identify what prevents you from deeply accepting that Higher Truth of your Sacred Light, Heidi Sue will guide you in the Exploration of your own HeartSpace where you can uncover the absolute truth of your radiant beauty and brilliant light.

Whether you need to cleanse the false perceptions, deep wounds and harmful patterns OR your heart is yearning for you to recognize, accept and truly love your unique brilliance, Heidi Sue will facilitate your deep release and receptivity, sparking your Heart and illuminating your Soul Light within.

One HeartSpace Explorations Session contains three components: Exploration, Expression, and Remote Radiance Brightenings. 

In the initial HeartSpace Exploration, Heidi Sue will guide you through a live, listening journey revealing the messages your heart has for you.  Following the verbal exploration is the Expression.  The energies of your amazing heart “finally being heard” are at an increased capacity wanting to reinforce its loving communication with you!  These From-Your-Heart communications are transcribed into a print format containing messages from your heart space which may be missed during the live session.  These sacred messages from your own heart supports the recalibration process, freeing your beautiful heart to move forward with your new heartfelt awareness.  The final piece is a series of deep, reflective prayers done remotely to support your continued HeartSpace clearings.  All HeartSpace Radiance Brightenings are uniquely customized to you as guided by your loving heart.


Divine Heart Alignment Session

Restore Your Whole Heart ~ Live Inspired while Radiating Authentic Self-Assurance

Heidi Sue will gently guide you in this deeper clearing session clearing and freeing your energetic heart space allowing for the restoring of your own magnificently loving essence.

She’ll skillfully present focused questions highlighting a single heart fracture issue you wish to address and clear. You will come away from a session with a fully released, transformed and integrated persona which may have previously been instrumental in dulling your heart, diminishing your passion and zest for life, perpetuating self-criticism or lack of self-acceptance.

The benefit of integrating into the alignment of Divine Unconditional Love as provided in this Heart-focused session is that people will recognize and respond to that Special Brightness within you. You’ll be Radiating Authentic Self-Assurance.

When living from the True Heart, one Radiates Confidence, Joy, Peace, and a sense of Reassurance which is absolutely exquisitely inviting and welcoming for others to come and share in your Healing Light. There are a million ways to live well. It all starts from within your Luminous Heart!



With Light for your path