Academy for the Soul Recommends

Certified Intuitive Strategist Indira Katbamna

About Indira


Indira is a Certified Intuitive Strategist and has spent many years in different spiritual communities in search of the truth of life and existence, of ‘who am I’. She loves the devotional practices, in combination with meditation and selfless service as it helps one to be more in the heart. This allows one to surrender and create an intimate relationship with the divine, your true essence of love, joy, peace and abundance. She uses her intuition, wisdom and her training as an Intuitive Strategist to find the dysfunction within the body’s energetic structures (chakras, aura and the light body) due to unhealthy exposures. She holds space for you to clear the dysfunction by invoking the support of the divine, and allowing the body and mind to relax and shift into balance.


Work with Indira


Release Unhealthy Exposures Session

Break free from toxic relationships +
Increase your potential for carrying more light

Indira helps to identify toxicity that's creating dysfunction in the energetic structures of your body that you've been exposed to from your environment, relationships, traumas, highlighted in the body - heart expanding but there's a constriction, contraction or something stopping it; digestive dysfunction that relates to what's going on in your life; recognize where you're stuck or lost and uncertain about how to move forward.

Indira will guide you to identify the debilitating emotion and original point of pain where these toxic energetic exposures occurred.

The creation dynamics of these prohibitive energetic are cleared using Ganga water (River Ganges) from the Himalayas as the original point of pain. These crystalline waters cleanse impurities from your body, timelines and the fractured aspects of you locking these paradigms in place as well.

Then with the support of the divine she brings in the high vibration healing light of the Goddess Lakshmi, increasing your potential for carrying more light.

This helps you to feel more present, relaxed and calm. The pain or the discomfort that is causing the issue is released from the body.


Integrative Soul Technology (IST) Session

Honour yourself to be the eternal divine being that you truly are

You carry much baggage from your past and past lives that hinder you to know and feel who you truly are. That is ‘The I am that I am’ ‘the eternal self’, the divine being that you are. These are subconscious patterns and belief systems from the past conditioning that rule your life. In the Indian text they are called ‘Vasanas’ which generally mean old addictive habits and behavioural patterns picked up from the past.

Indira will use IST process to identify the pattern and the belief system that you are holding on to and help you to release the patterns from your timeline. She will support you in Replacing these negative patterns and belief system with a positive outlook and self awareness, allowing you to be in recognition of your own divinity.


"I LOVED my session with Indira, it has left me with a lasting impression... There is a humble powerfulness that emanates from her Presence, from the Purity of her Heart. Indira speaks Truth: energies are commanded and precisely directed by her words and the Higher Beings she calls on. Right away, my agitated mind quietened as she took me to a deep, grounded state of serenity. From there, frustration was smoothly replaced by infinite patience, trust and acceptance as I know myself being carried by the River of Life, sometimes more slowly, sometimes through rapids; the very vivid experience of floating there has imprinted me for good!! It was brilliant and delicious, Thank You Indira!"

~ Sophie Bidard


With Light for your path