Academy for the Soul Recommends

Soul Sourceress Intuitive and
Certified Intuitive Strategist Ishtar Deerhart

About Ishtar


Ishtar is a Soul Source-ress Healer dedicated to unlocking and illuminating your soul’s existence for empowered healing, expansion and enhancing a fulfilling life. She helps you to focus and align to the infinite light being within and provides spiritual coaching, readings and courses to energetically shift yourself through difficult life cycles and transitions.

Her expertise to magnetically connect you to your soul signature imbues inner calm, renewed focus and loving self-compassion as you continue on your expanding journey to know yourself as Source having a human experience.


Work with Ishtar


Soul Signature Illumination Session

Harmonize Mind and Soul to Illuminate and Live Your Unique Soul Personality

Ishtar, as Soul Source-ress, will meet you in the highest frequency fields of love to intuitively engage, interact and sense your soul personality, coloration, passion and drive upon this earth. Your extraordinary and unique frequency is recognizable anywhere in the cosmos, multi -universes, and galaxies, dimensions and beyond - this will be revealed and experienced by you.

You'll know yourself as your extraordinary Soul Source magnificence and feel the empowerment to create life without the conflict between your altered ego mind and soul.

'I finally feel at home, I feel like me' is what you'll be saying when your body is unlocked and your receptivity to your Soul Personality is expanded so you're living your unique frequency. 'Feeling at home' is so exquisite, natural and authentic that once experienced, you'll never want to abandon or disconnect yourself ever again from your Infinite Light Being.

This enables the subconscious Soul disconnection patterns and paradigms to dissolve, fall away and permanently be released so that you remain centered in your Soul Vibe.

Includes: Soul Awakening Stabilization MP3 ~ Downloadable guided meditation to stabilize your soul awakening and deepen your loving connection with your Self.


Integrated Soul Technology (IST) Session

Dissolve Disharmony to Living your Higher Purpose

Quickly and effectively change the habits and life circumstances that are holding you back from your authentic passion and purpose.

Even if you don’t have words for it or it’s just a feeling, Ishtar helps to identify the aspect in disharmony with your higher purpose that prevents you from recognizing it, taking action to fully align with and live it and experiencing the deep fulfillment that comes with living your Higher Purpose.

With Ishtar's guidance, you'll transform the disharmonious cellular patterns so the clarity of your divine self can guide you masterfully in life. You'll feel lighter and more free with more of your energy flowing in alignment with your highest good!



With Light for your path