Academy for the Soul Recommends

Certified Intuitive Strategist Karen Robinson

About Karen


Karen Robinson is a multi-sensory intuitive healer. She is a Certified Intuitive Strategist with the Academy to the Soul and a Level 3 Akashic Records Reader with Soul Realignment. She can accurately pinpoint where you are numbing out to who you are at Soul Level. She has a unique Soul connection to the Akashic Records and The Earth Records and combines her vast knowledge of several healing modalities to create multi-dimensional healing. Not just healing the 3rd, 4th and 5h dimensions within you but the Earth as well.

With her Special Gift she then braids your Human Self, your Higher Self with Divine Light bringing you back into your Heart which creates a greater sense of belonging to the cosmic fabric of the Universe. Ultimately what Karen is doing is creating the opportunity for you to Embody your Higher Self, become your Higher Self. Bring you Higher Self and Divine Creator Source Energies fully into your physical Body to become One with All There Is.

Through her own life experiences, her knowledge of how Persona’s, Block and Restrictions are created, she can see the patterns & behaviors that are playing out in your life. She explains how and why these patterns & behaviors are created, how they are affecting you and how you can change to create more Peace/Harmony and Love in your life.


Work with Karen


Soul Profile Akashic Reading Session

Giving you a Greater Sense of Who You Are at Soul Level

Through her Akashic Readings, Karen is able to read your Soul Profile: Whether your Soul identifies as Female or Male, Your Soul group of origination (where your Soul was first birthed), your Energy Centre, your Souls vibration rate, Spheres of protection present, what spiritual orders your Soul has been active in while in Spirit, How many spirit guides are present and much more.

This will explain a lot about who you really are and why you feel, behave and think as you do, and giving you a greater sense of who you are at Soul Level. And why sometimes, no amount of clearing work seems to resolve what you may preserve are issues. It is simply the way your Soul expresses itself into your reality. (This can be a standalone reading on its own)

After this initial reading, you then have a choice as to what reading/session you may want:

~ Clearing Work

~ Life Situation Readings

~ Relationship Session

~ Life Lesson Session

~ Spirit Guide Profile Reading

~ Property Realignment


Integrative Soul Technology (IST) Session

Empower Yourself to Take Back Control of Your Life

Karen is passionate about empowering people to become their Authentic Self. To see past the illusion of what society, friends, family and other think is ‘Normal’. She will help you see the pattern, beliefs and programs that you have taken on as your own, simply to survive, to fit into this world, your family, at work, with your friends and into society. This gives you a greater sense of control over your choices, how you feel, think and even behave.

Karen will support you to Find, Resolve and Integrate the Aspect of you that is disconnecting you from the cosmic fabric of the Universe, to give you a greater sense of belonging.

If have a specific issue you’re struggling with, Karen will work thru the issue with you to find the aspect that is causing this. Or you may just know that something is not quite right, or you may just feel ‘Numb’. Karen is able to scan and exactly pinpoint what is going on. She then uses the powerful Integrative Soul Technology (IST) process to facilitate working with the aspect of you. She also incorporates her vast knowledge from other modalities to totally release the emotional glue and shift the limiting beliefs and programs that are locking this fragmented energy in place. Certified in TimeLine Therapy she will guide you to where these pattern/beliefs originated and release them from your timeline.

She then uses her Special Gift to Braid your Human Self, your Higher Self with Divine Light and brings them together into your Heart, giving you a greater sense of not just yourself, but also of belonging to the Cosmic Fabric of the Universe. Bringing you back into Wholeness.



With Light for your path