Academy for the Soul Recommends

Special Heart Awakening Master and
Academy Master Teacher Kari Kiazyk

  About Kari


Kari is a Heart Awakening Master with a special gift to connect with your heart's voice, illuminating the core issue that is not in alignment with your highest good and dissolving the discordant energies so that you can awaken to your own magnificence.

She harnesses the energies and cosmic dance of the Aurora Borealis to aid you in fully reclaiming your heart's natural state of health and wholeness, so it's available to receive and transmit higher vibrations of love, light and joy... bringing your heart, your inner Sun, into its own luminous, rhythmic dance.

As a Reiki Master and Certified Intuitive Strategist through Academy for the Soul, Kari can help you to dissolve deeply held emotions holding you back or impacting you in some way that is not in your highest good.

Kari is passionate about utilizing energy to alchemize transformation towards brilliant, open-hearted living and radiating your Light of Truth.


Work with Kari


Special Heart Awakening Session

Kari will create a safe and sacred space for this deeply transformational session. After getting you grounded and centered in your heart, Kari, will identify the discordant energies preventing you from awakening to your whole heart self.

Kari harnesses the energy of the Aurora Borealis, a transmutational field where Earth and Cosmic energies meet and dance together, to clear those discordant energies so that you can reclaim that part of your heart that was out of sync with your own unique rhythm and holding you back from radiating its light fully. Then, Kari conducts a beautiful Heart Awakening Attunement, opening your heart for a glorious reunion with your cosmic heart. This supports your heart in remembering and aligning with its own natural state of health and wholeness. By bringing in those higher vibrations of love, light and joy, your heart can more easily move into its own harmonious dance of grace and beauty, equally at home on Earth and in the Cosmos.

This is for you if you want to radiate your heart’s light in a greater way and have an increased sense of belonging both on Earth and with the Allness. It’s time for your heart to beat to its own rhythm and allow all of its colours, its beautiful qualities, to awaken, flow and dance together!

Freebie included with session: Sound Bath Meditation - Symphony of Light mp3. This mp3 is for use after your Attunement and will help to integrate these beautiful new energies that have come in, allowing you to go deeper

Included with the session is a 30 minute follow up session, which includes a healing & transformation.


Restoring Your Soul’s Harmonic Resonance Session

In this deeply transformative 60 minute session, featuring the Harmonic Orchestration Light & Sound Healing Method, Kari will detect the top 3 vibrational distortions and chaotic waveforms most impacting your well-being causing heaviness, density & unease in your life.

Then these patterns of disharmonious vibrations will be uprooted - at the origin point - using the powerful synergy of Light & Sound. This will harmonically activate your Remembering by bringing the weak, chaotic waveforms into a state of Orchestrational Concordance. You'll experience Telescoping of the 12 Chakras out into the 12 Dimensions, a very powerful technique to unlock and unleash the healing power of the chakras to Harness & Shift your energy

The Guardians of the 12 Dimensions actually work in and through Kari as she sounds the tones of the Crystal Bowls to powerfully releasing trapped energy; expand your consciousness; reveal a deeper awareness of self and understanding within you; increase your vibrational set point and orchestrate Soul Harmonic Resonance within your being

You'll also experience Auric field unravelling to clear any remnants of those disturbances in your energetic field.

Kari uses State of the Art Vibrational Tools and you'll receive an Infusion of Light & Sound weaving through each of the 12 chakras ~ Awakening the remembrance of your True Authentic Self. This session also includes a 30 minute 1:1 Soul Harmonic Resonance Sustainability Session where you'll receive a healing & transformation.


Unlocking Inner Vision & Divine Love Session

In this transformative 30 minute healing session, Kari utilizes a very special "Harmonic Bliss" Morganite crystal bowl and in this session you'll experience: Enhanced Intuition; Heightened Spiritual Awareness; Emotional Healing & Balance; Increased Compassion & Empathy; Clarity of Purpose and a Deepened Connection to Higher Consciousness.

Working with both the third eye and heart chakras facilitates a deeper understanding of your self-sabotaging patterns and emotional wounds. By integrating the insights gained from the third eye chakra with the healing energy of the heart chakra, you begin to transform these patterns.... acknowledging and addressing the underlying causes of self-sabotage & practicing self-compassion.

When your third eye chakra is balanced and activated, it can help you become more aware of your patterns of self-sabotage... bringing you clarity. Self-sabotaging behavior often stems from unresolved emotional wounds or lack of self-love. Balancing and opening the heart chakra can help you heal these wounds and cultivate self-compassion, which reduces self-sabotage.

Kari utilizes the beautiful tones of the crystal bowls to bring you into a deep state of relaxation, openness & expansion. Then she'll harmonize the 3rd eye & heart chakras... opening you up to trust your inner wisdom, align with your highest good, help release emotional blockages, heal past wounds and create a greater sense of emotional balance. This will bring about a greater sense of purpose & alignment with your true self, vibrationally increasing your frequency & resonance.


Merkaba Heart Alignment Session

Join Kari for a deeply transformative 30 minute session focused on opening & aligning your Heart Center with the transformative energy of the Merkaba. You’ll go on a journey that involves utilizing the sacred geometry of the Merkaba (a sacred sound healing instrument that Kari will be utilizing in addition to the crystal bowls) to open your Heart, release emotional blockages and align with your True Essence.s.

In this session, the Violet Flame will be called in to transmute the negative energies, release emotional burdens and accelerate spiritual growth. Once in a state of Heart Alignment, the Violet Flame will be invoked to release and transmute the lower level energies no longer serving you. By combining the Merkaba Heart Alignment with the Violet Flame, this creates a synergistic effect that deepens this profound inner work & emotional healing, addressing both the emotional & spiritual aspects of your being, promoting a deeper connection with your true authentic self & the loving energies of the Universe..

It’s a powerful journey within, as the Guardians of the Dimensions most suited to assist with your healing & transformation, will help you to uncover and address emotional wounds & barriers that may be holding you back in life. It also fosters a deeper connection to your higher self. By aligning the heart with the sacred geometry of the Merkaba, you’ll experience a profound sense of unity with the Universe..

In this session, you’ll: release & heal past emotional wounds, traumas & break free from negative thought patterns by providing a safe space to transform emotional pain into healing energy; Enhance self-love; Facilitate spiritual growth & a deeper connection to your Higher Self & the Divine and Experience greater emotional balance & increased energy flow, promoting physical & emotional well-being.


"My Special Heart Awakening Session with Kari was simply magnificent! My Heart and my Whole Being are in such gratitude for the gift of healing and liberation that Kari has masterfully offered... Starting with her 'busting' a deeply unconscious thread of emotion that has been burdening me for years, and which I hadn't so far been able to even identify, let alone to reach to... Kari knew to spot it right away and cleared it all, in its full intensity ~ Such a relief! The Whole Heart Attunement then led to a Total Reclaiming of my Heart and my whole Being feels expanded, filled with Hope and Joy! The whole experience was incredibly profound and magical, totally unique and so very special! Thank you Kari, literally with ALL MY HEART!" ~ Sophie


With Light for your path