Academy for the Soul Recommends

Majestic Elemental Luminary and
Certified Intuitive Strategist Patty Lake

About Patty


Patty is a channel of Elemental Light Language calling forth the elemental filaments of interstellar space mixed with the power of the 4 directions to heal and realign you to Ideal Health + Soul Purpose. The filaments turn into musical notes of the Soul for vibrational healing.

She facilitates this through High Level Vibrational Adjustments. Patty calls upon her expertise as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner and Certified Intuitive Strategist to help you embody Remembrance. Through this Sacred embodiment, the bonds of illusion, manipulation, pain, suffering, separation, and insecurity, fall by the wayside and reveal the Luminous Authentic Majestic Note that only your Being can emanate to enhance the Universal Symphony.

Patty has a Heart to help you Remember your Wholeness, your Power, your Sovereignty, that you are Loved and, that This Journey can be Enjoyable and even Fun.


Work with Patty


Elemental Luminary Session

This is High Level Vibrational Realignment - you'll choose to have realignment with your Health or Purpose.

Here's what you'll experience in the session:

~ You'll be guided to tap into the power of the magnetic field of your heart starting with deep grounding.

~ Learn and appreciate the importance of intention + sound and the power of your own voice.

~ Tap into and experience the powerful ability you truly hold to command your energy.

~ Your Body Deva will be revealed and invited to participate fully.

~ Your Primary Inhibition around using the power of your voice out loud, will be identified and cleared. 

~ Invocation of Light Language to call forth the Elemental Filaments of Interstellar Space mixed with the power of the Four Directions to heal and realign you to (health or purpose.) The filaments turn into musical notes of the Soul for vibrational healing.

NOTE: You'll be supported in having your full Presence engaged so you can easily listen with your Heart. The ego mind cannot understand the High Level Information of this session but your Beingness will Greatly and Permanently Benefit.

Harmony, Peace and Clarity are part of your take away experience.

Includes 2 BONUS MP3s:

~ Grounding MP3: Deeper explanation of the importance of the grounding connections you'll make in the session.

~ Intention and Power of your Voice Explanation MP3: Learn the importance of intention and power of your voice and the intention that will be carried with your tone in this session.


Integrative Soul Technology (IST) Session for the Body Deva

Your Body Deva (Your Body Elemental) works closely with your High Self over many lifetimes, it knows you intimately and is your Greatest ally for this physical experience. It takes care of your body in accordance with the blueprints your High Self instructed upon focusing on this particular lifetime experience.

Your Body Elemental is here to help keep you on track, keep you pointed toward your North Star so to speak, in alignment with your Souls purpose for this life. However, remembering you're a creator being and have free will….the Body Deva is limited by the lower patterning of the thoughts, feelings and emotions that the ego mind holds on to and runs in your field, whether created in this life, a past life, a genealogical line or running parallel lifetime.

Now is the time for this energy to be transmuted or integrated for full healing. We will fully ground and then specifically seek out the pattern most limiting your Body Deva at this time using the IST (Integrative Soul Technology) process and reprogramming the limiting pattern or completely transmute the disrupting pattern.

We will call in a supportive pattern of energies for you and your Body Elemental to be able to communicate with a greater level of clarity, harmony, grace and ease. Then your Body Deva can help you in more expansive ways.

Includes Body Deva + Light Language MP3: More information about the Body Deva including a gift of Light Language specifically for the Body Deva to assist in clearer lines of communication with you.



With Light for your path