Academy for the Soul Recommends

Osteopath and Body Wisdom Catcher Sabine Schacke

About Sabine


Sabine is an international expert in the field of the body and movement known for her ability to unlock the wisdom of your cellular template, aligning it to optimal performance, in conjunction with your Divine Wisdom and Nature. With her multidimensional intuition, Sabine scans and communicates directly with your physical and cellular body template to directly identify the root cause of an issue / dis-ease.

She identifies what is out of order, alignment, flow and vitality. Then Sabine uses her masterful skills as a magician and alchemist to activate greater groundedness and presence in your body, heightened awareness, mobility, spaciousness and more clarity to the mind and life ~ leading to a deeper embodiment of your Soul’s Consciousness.

As a Pioneer and Bridger of Consciousness, she combines her wisdom of the body with her knowledge and love for mother earth, the universe, the elementals and especially divine nature in her healing work. This plus her extensive training and experience in the medical field, as a physical therapist and osteopath D.O. blends magically with her deep love, honor and respect for your physical body to awaken your cellular vitality. This illuminates your body as the wonderful vehicle it truly is for your soul’s consciousness in this lifetime.

Her purpose is to empower everyBody to be in this deep loving relationship with their physical self and live as a luminous light being.


Work with Sabine


Heavenly Blue Ray Etheric Template Aura
Healing for Liberation Session

Rebuilding the etheric body template to grow a new body and life

In this Private 1-on-1 Session with Sabine, you'll be held in the Healing Chamber of Light and supported with the invocation transmission of the Heavenly Blue Ray light.

You'll experience Sabine's tremendous love and wisdom of the physical body to heal, rebuild, reorganize and restructure on cellular level for the main 3 places within you that are out of balance, harmony and proper function. Telepathically, in alignment with your Higher Self, she'll scan your physical body and auric field – including the templates – to identify the 3 main issues on a cellular level.

These specific places are holding information that’s hindering and binding the vitality and optimal function of your tissues, organs and body systems. They're depleting your life force energy, holding you stagnant in emotional feelings + trapped mental patterns and beliefs.

After the identification and acknowledgment of this collected information from all realms…you'll clear and cleanse through all time space realities and down into the cellular level, the DNA and template level of your physical body.

The direct result is:

~ Feeling more relaxation and improved mobility in the body & tissues
~ Increased flow of vitality and life force throughout your whole body
~ Greater ability to breathe more deeply
~ Optimal function on cellular level in alignment with your innate wisdom and divine nature.

When the cleansing is settled in the body Sabine will invoke the Heavenly Blue Ray light to flow into your whole body and field. This supports in restructuring the Etheric body template and cellular structure for complete renewal... resulting in building a new physical body in better alignment and function with your innate wisdom and Divine nature.
Sabine is offering this session in English and German.


Integrative Soul Technology (IST) Session

Getting Whole Again

Through all kinds of life experiences connected with a painful sensation you fracture off parts of your soul to survive, protect and control life’s experiences. A new strategy is created to never have to experience the pain again... but this strategy locks you into a lifetime of struggle, where your Soul's searching and longing for the integration.

In this session, Sabine will guide you through the powerful IST process to find, clean and upgrade the fractured part most disrupting your inner Soul Coherence on all levels. This part will be reunited in your body, resulting in increased flow of life force energy -- your vital flow isn’t bound anymore, but Free and Whole instead.

You'll return back to Wholeness as you reunite with your Soul part that you integrate in this session, so that you can heal and live a more fulfilling life in alignment with your divine nature.

The sensation of being Whole again grows internally as well as the sensation of being free, relaxed, flexible and in flow with life. This allows you to reach your Divine Destiny more easily and live in greater alignment with your Divine Nature.

The IST session of Sabine is offered in English and German.


"Sabine is an absolute Master at identifying and transforming body dynamics that have you restricted and tense - even in those hidden places where it you don't realize it! When she brings in the Heavenly Blue Ray there's a potent strength that helps you feel safe to fully settle in your body and relax into the greater spaciousness that's been created within. She'll help you open up space in your mind and body so you can naturally readjust to the incredible light flow aligned with your highest expression - it's so profound!"
~ Amanda Hopkins


With Light for your path