Academy for the Soul Recommends

Cosmic Soul Truth Activator and
Certified Intuitive Strategist Sara Cornell

About Sara


Sara is an expert in identifying blockages in the body that create disharmony and disconnection from Highest Truth. As a Cosmic Soul Truth Activation Specialist, Sara is passionate about helping people heal and embody their Soul Truth. She’s known for her empathetic, warm-hearted approach.

This combined with her expertise as a Certified Intuitive Strategist with Academy for the Soul, Certified Akashic Trance Worker, Advanced Reiki Practitioner enables Sara to uniquely identify and shift blockages in alignment with what most deeply supports her clients.

Sara is committed to helping others on their healing journey. Blending her background as a clinical therapist and training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy with an authentic, heart-centered approach, Sara aids in dissolution of blockages and disturbances in the human body to activate Cosmic Soul Truth for increased internal harmony and connection.


Work with Sara


Cosmic Soul Truth Integration Session

Release False Paradigms that are Holding you Captive

Clear what’s blocking your access to your Divine Cosmic Soul Truth. Integrate the aspect that’s been creating a chronic condition of Dis-Harmony. Sara C. will guide you with love and direct you to transform this part of you that simply dis-honors your truth and infinite nature.

You’ll then be assisted with a complete TimeLine clearing of the issue -- in all TimeLine directions, dimensions and time/space continuums…along with clearing the trapped emotional energy that’s been holding you captive.

Transformation will be instant as you experience the NEW you and reassign this energy to support you in opening your Cosmic Soul Truth Channel. This is an upgraded + FULL integration!


Energy Clearing Meditation (downloadable MP3):

~ For daily practice to continuously keep your energy clean and clear…and Harmonious with your Cosmic Soul Truth.


Cosmic Soul Truth Activation Session

Integrate your body flow and communication

Sara will connect to your higher self and scan where you are out of harmony in your body and being. She'll then provide a detailed clearing throughout your entire energy field, on all timelines and dimensions.

Sara will connect with your higher self and download your own personal Cosmic Soul Truth Algorithm + activate in your human body for absolute harmony and connection.

You'll feel more clear, and embody more of your soul truth after this session.



With Light for your path